A discussion was held to seek the possibility of a collaboration between Environmental Assistance, Research and Training Hub of KDU (KDU EARTH) and the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) of University of Colombo on the 24th February 2021 at the Faculty of Law, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, with the participation of the Dean, Faculty of Law, KDU, Head of Department of Civil Law, Head of Department of Military Law, Coordinator of KDU EARTH and Dr. Kokila Konasinghe, Director of CELP. Combined research activities, education and awareness programmes, dissemination of knowledge by means of publications and environmental restoration were identified as prospective areas for collaboration. It was agreed to organize a webinar with the participation of national and international academics and professionals in the field of Environmental Law towards the end of March 2021. Parties will continue to engage in fruitful dialogues for strengthening the relations in the future.