Page 42 - KDU Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 2
P. 42

KDU Law Journal                                  Volume 04 Issue II
                                                              September, 2024
             Intelligent support services, decision-making support systems and
             question and answer support systems are needed when introducing
             an AI system to the courts. When a judge enters the case file into
             the relevant data system, in order to analyze the relevant case in
             question,  legal sources such  as the  Constitution, Acts,  and case
             decisions should be referred to and analyzed and a system should
             be created as shown by the graph. Through the use of Automated
             Systems, access to justice will be efficient as the facts of the case in
             question, legal arguments will be analyzed and a new answer will
             be constructed.
             While AI has the potential to revolutionize the legal sector, it is
             crucial to balance this with a cautious approach that prioritizes eth-
             ical considerations and human oversight. The importance of human
             judgment in sensitive legal matters cannot be overstated, under-
             scoring the need for a complementary relationship between AI and
             human professionals. As AI continues to evolve, it is imperative to
             continuously assess and address the legal and ethical implications
             to safeguard the integrity of the legal system and uphold the rule of
             law. From this overall analytical study, it can be concluded that the
             AI powered human excellence elevating together. Therefore, the
             government should pay attention to the necessary steps to create
             the algorithm properly and should be taken to resolve the economic
             crisis and secure the rule of law with an effective and efficient legal
             system. It is incumbent upon all stakeholders to contribute to the
             reconstruction of a formal legal system in Sri Lanka through the
             utilization of AI , with the aim of addressing the issue of access to

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