Page 52 - KDU Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 2
P. 52
KDU Law Journal Volume 04 Issue II
September, 2024
refugee protection mechanisms. Global cooperation also offers
mutual carriage and the distribution of burdens and responsibilities,
making possible the adoption of more fair and sustainable solutions
for asylum-seekers in Sri Lanka
The nature of international refugee laws, the refugee protection
system in Sri Lanka, and what refugees are faced with as well as
the opportunities they have to improve reveal both the progress
made and the areas requiring improvement in order to have an
effective protection and support to refuges in Sri Lanka.
It is recommended to get insights from instruments like Dublin
Regulations to apply in Sri Lanka if not in the regional context.
This legal instrument was adopted by the European Union (EU),
and this regulation is systematically designed to identify which
member state of the European Union is legally competent to process
the asylum seeker’s application. This system helps in eliminating
the multiple applications issue whereby asylum seekers move
around the world applying for asylum in different countries and
provides them with protection in the first country they set foot in
that is a member to the EU. The regulation receives high remarks
with regard to procedural efficiencies, management of data, and
integration of member states.
Thus, lessons could be learned from the Dublin system for Sri
Lanka to have a more defined and coordinated approach in
the examination of the refugee applications. Thus, Sri Lanka
could enhance the asylum decision making, matters of data and
information sharing and better protection of the refugee seekers by
implementing similar efficient mechanisms.
Sri Lanka has demonstrated a tradition of refugee’s civility by
providing them with temporary abode and humanitarian assistance.
The government of the country has significantly worked with
International Organizations including the UNHCR to facilitate the