Page 53 - KDU Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 2
P. 53
KDU Law Journal Volume 04 Issue II
September, 2024
dispensing of humanitarian aid and protection services to those in
the refugee and asylum seekers situations. Along with this, attempts
to maintain the principle of non-refoulement, although with certain
lapses, it is a manifestation of the will to uphold the refugee law in
the Sri Lankan context.
Many issues such as the status of refugees still require solving
in the country’s refugee protection environment. The lack of
specialized legislation for refugees and readiness of some state
institutions to respond to the needs of refugees causes negative
effects to their management and preservation. Discrimination in
jobs, the loyalty barrier, and the lack of access to vital services
increase the difficulties associated with refugees, thereby making
their integration process challenging and their stay uncomfortable.
Concurrence of strategies by the authority of government, civil
society organization and on international community is an original
foundation for the problems posed of the refugees in Sri Lanka. It
is essential to ensure that refugees’ rights are observed in principle,
non-refoulment policy and non-discrimination to be upheld and
endeavor for well-formulated legal reforms and policy coverages.
Since Sri Lanka is committed to the implementation of international
regulations as well as the fulfillment of its aforementioned
obligations under international law, the country can guarantee a
bright future for the refugees within its borders.