Full Name – RBWM Hasini Rathnamalala
Designation – Senior Lecturer Grade I
E-mail – hasini.rathnamalala@kdu.ac.lk, rathn016@umn.edu
Google Scholar Profile
- PhD in Law, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- LLM (Master in Laws) in International Human Rights Law, University of Minnesota Law School, United States of America – (Class of 2009)
Specialized Areas: Introduction to American Law, International Human Rights Law, International Women’s Rights Law, Topics of the Non-profit Management and Leadership (Social Entrepreneurship), International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Advocacy, Reproductive Rights Law, Law and Economics and Unfair Competition Law Concentration: International Human Rights Law (Overall GPA- 3.5 out of 4) - LLM (Masters in Laws), Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (Research Thesis: Internally Displaced Women’s Right to Health in Sri Lanka) Specialized Areas: International Humanitarian Law, Law of the Sea, Constitutional Law (2007)
- LLB (Hon), University of Colombo (2005)
- Attorney-at –Law (Sri Lanka Law College – 2006)
- Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (CTHE)- Staff Development Centre, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka (2014)
- Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (MATE)– Staff Development Centre, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2007)
- Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law (for Law and Non-Law students both in graduate and under-graduate levels.)
- Industrial Law (for Law and Non-Law students both in graduate and under-graduate levels.)
Full Scholarship for the completion of LLM in Human Rights Law, University of Minnesota State University, USA – (Full waiver of tuition fees and Research Assistantship for Professor David Weissbroadt, Regents Professor and Fredrikson & Byron Professor of Law, Human Rights Faculty Chair and founder of Minnesota Human Rights Library http://www.law.umn.edu/facultyprofiles/weissbrodtd.html#zFvcxFCOyaG5MNXWWz4uLQ (2009/2010)
- Faculty of Law, University of Colombo granted a Tuition Fees Waiver for the completion of Master of Laws Program. (2007/2008)
- International Humanitarian Law | Sri Lanka”, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online, General Editor: Seokwoo Lee
Rathnamalala, Hasini, “18. International Humanitarian Law | Sri Lanka”, in: Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online, General Editor: Seokwoo Lee. Consulted online on 11 February 2022 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2772-8161_EPIL_COM_3099>
First published online: 2021 First print edition: 20210922
Book Chapters
- Protection of Women under International Humanitarian Law and Sri Lankan Law, Continued Relevance of International Humanitarian Law in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka, Edited by Professor W Seneviratne and Dr Nishara Mendis, Published by the International Committee of the Red Cross, Sri Lanka.
Journal Articles
- Achieving Gender Equality in Humanitarian Assistance: ‘Contest of Athena and Poseidon?’ – Hasini Rathnamalala, Sri Lanka Journal of International Law, VOLUME 25, ISSN 1391 – 5568 (2016-2017). (Available in Heinonline)
- Achieving Gender Equality in Humanitarian Assistance: “Contest of Athena and Poseidon?” Accepted to be published in KDU Law Faculty Research Journal 2016.
- The Sisyphus Trap: Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women on Gender Stereotypes in South Asia, Kathmandu Law Review, Vol.1, Issue1, 2013. (ISSN NO 2091-2110)
- Recent Developments, Sri Lanka Journal of International Law – Vol.18(No.2) – 2006 (ISSN NO 1391-5568)
International Research Conference Proceedings
- Abandoning the Sinking Ship or Solo in a Battle Ground?” Role of Sri Lankan Judiciary in Strengthening of De-Jure Equality among Genders, Co-authored with Ms MPC Wijesooriya, International Research Conference, KDU-2022
- “Intellect Eclipsed”: An Analysis of the Unconscious Bias and its Impact on the Development of Intellectual Property Law – Co-authored with MPC Wijesooriya, Presented at Law Sessions, International Research Symposium-General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana (2020).
- Choosing Permanent Contraceptive Methods: Sri Lankan Women’s experiences under the Shadows of Patriarchy and Paternalism, N.M. Mendis and H. Rathnamalala, The 04th World Conference on Women’s Studies, 03rd-05th May 2018 held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Available at http://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/)
- Known to Unknown: Rural Women in the Jurisprudence of Women’s Committee- International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenapura, Sri Lanka. December, 2015) ISSN 2279-2309
- “A Double-Edge Sword?” Need of a Human Rights Framework for Scientific Research in Sri Lanka, International Research Conference, KDU (August,2015) ISBN 978-955-0301-23-2
- Dismantling Gender Stereotypes in Higher Education in South Asia: A Rights-based Approach, International Conference on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against organized by Women Association of Common Wealth Universities, held at Eastern University, Batticaloa 09th-10th July 2015.
- Breaking the Silence, General Recommendation 30 on CEDAW – [Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-conflict Situations] by the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women-Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies 2015, 25-27 February, 2015, Hotel Galadari, Colombo, Sri Lanka (This research paper was awarded the best research presentation of the conference)
- “A Decision of Life and Death?” Achieving Substantive Equality through Prevention of HIV AIDS: CEDAW Committee’s Interpretations on Prevention of HIV AIDS in South Asia the International Conference on Youth, Gender and HIV (ICYGH) August 2014, organized by Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India-2014. (This research has been selected to be present in the plenary session of the conference by the Organizing Committee).
- Gender Stereotypes in South Asia: Legal Perspectives by U.N. Based Human Rights Mechanisms, International Research Conference, KDU 2014. (ISBN No 978-955-0301-09-6)
- When the Dust Settled: Comparative Analysis on Women’s Rights in Conflict Situations of Rwanda and Sri Lanka, KDU International Symposium 2013. (ISBN No 978-955-0301-07-2)
- Perceiving Perception-A Study on the Perceptions of Undergraduates in Law on the Relevance of Gender on Roles in Legal Education and within the Legal Profession: Centre for Women’s Research- 2008(Co-Researcher)
Publications in Newsletter/Magazine Articles
- Panacea to infirmity: Need of introducing the concept of “Social Entrepreneurship” to improve rural women’s contribution towards the Economy of Sri Lanka-Sri Lankan management News, The magazine of the Institute of management of Sri Lanka (ISSN 2420-7330)
- Editorial ,Newsletter, KDU Issue 2, Vol.1 (2013)
- Achieving Aspirations: Teaching and Researching in Universities in the World, Law Faculty Newsletter -Issue 1, Vol.1. (2012)
- Women in Armed Conflict , Nivedini, Women’s Education and Research Centre – 2008. ISSN 3191-0094 (Published in Sinhala)
- Prisoners Rights, News Letter, Center for the Study of Human Rights-2006
Unpublished Work
- Women in Armed Conflict; Gaps yet to be filled, 03rd Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asia Academic Training (AISAAT), International Committee of the Red Cross 2015, Regional Delegation, New Delhi in collaboration with Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi. (November, 2015)
- Research Thesis on Internally Displaced Women’s Right to Health in Sri Lanka 2008.
- General Recommendation 30 of the Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women on Conflict Prevention/ Conflict and Post Conflict Presented at SATS (South Asian Teaching Sessions) Alumni Conference held in Colombo, December, 2013- organized by International Committee on the Red Cross.
- The Forgotten Domain: Committee on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women on International Humanitarian Law, 2010 (to be published).
- Analysis of the Status of Non-Marital Children from the point of the Best Interest of the Child (Supervisor – Dr. Deepika Udagama, Sri Lanka Law Commission) 2009
International Symposia
- Utilizing CEDAW’s Implementation Mechanisms to Achieve Gender Equality in Sri Lankan Reconciliation Process, The 1st Annual Conference-Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Sri Lanka-2021
- “Will Poseidon Meet Artemis?” An Analysis of the Applicability of Eco-Feminism in Achieving Environmental Justice in Sri Lanka (2021) Co-authored with MPC Wijesooriya
- To Muster Lotus Armies, Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and Buddhist Philosophy in Combatting Violence against Women in Armed Conflict, International Research Conference, KDU (2019)
- “Intellect Eclipsed”: An Analysis of the Unconscious Bias and its Impact on the Development of Intellectual Property Law – Co-authored with MPC Wijesooriya, Presented at Law Sessions, International Research Symposium-General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka (2020)
International Conference/Seminar Participation
Known to Unknown: Rural Women in the Jurisprudence of Women’s Committee- International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenapura, Sri Lanka. (December, 2015)
03rd Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asia Academic Training (AISAAT), International Committee of the Red Cross 2015, Regional Delegation, New Delhi in collaboration with Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi. (November, 2015)
- International Conference on Youth, Gender and HIV (ICYGH) August 2014, jointly organized by Amity University and Uttar Pradesh HIV AIDS Controlling Society , India-2014. (Plenary Session Speaker)
- Participant in South Asia Regional Linking & Learning Program on Human Rights in Development 28 April – 4 May 2008 Mumbai, India
- Participant in Regional Training of Trainers on CEDAW Workshop, Organized by International Women’s Rights Action Watch (Asia Pacific) Bangkok, Thailand 10th -16th December 2006
- KDU International Research Conference – Presented Research Papers in 2013,2014,2015.
- Participant in the Advanced workshop on international Humanitarian Law for Academics held in Kathmandu, Nepal -April 2013 (SATS)
- Human Rights Advocacy Colloquium-2009, University of Minnesota, USA.
- Human Rights Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- Legal Philosophy
- Inter-disciplinary Research
- Gender Studies
- Social Entreprenuership
1. Current Work
- Research Supervisor/Examiner-LLM Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Research Supervisor/Examiner in Master of Human Rights and Democratization Programme, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.(since 2014)
- Visiting Lecturer in Human Rights Law- Open University of Sri Lanka (2016-2017).
- Lecturer in Human Rights Law/International Humanitarian Law/Industrial Law-General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka since 2011.
- Lecturer/Research Supervisor – LLM Program, Faculty of Graduate Studies,KDU(Since 2014)
- Research Supervisor – Masters in Human Rights, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo (Since 2015)
- Visiting Lecturer – B. Sc in Aviation Studies at Air Force Academy, China-bay, Sri Lanka. (Human Rights Law/International Humanitarian Law) Since 2014
- Editor: Law Newsletter of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (Since 2013)
- Research Supervisor in M. Sc in Defence Studies, Defence Staff College Batalanda, Sri Lanka.(Since 2013)
2. Experience in Legal Research and Inter-disciplinary Research
I) International Research Assistantships
- Research Assistant to Professor David Weissbrodt and Professor Marsha Freeman, University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2009-2010.
- Independent Researcher on Women’s Human Rights, Supervisor-Prof. Marsha Freeman, University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2009-2010 (Spring Semester)
II) National Level Research Assistantships
- Legal Officer cum Research Coordinator- Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka 2010 September- 2011 October (Research Coordinator to Mr. Kulatunga Perera, Former Ambassador/ Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the World Trade Organization (WTO) -Initial Research Coordinator of Research and Policy Advocacy Unit of FCCISL.
- Research Assistant to Ms Nishara Mendis, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo- “Healthcare in Danger” Research Project for the International Committee of the Red Cross in 2013.
- Research Assistant to Professor Savithri Goonesekera and Prof.Camena Guneratne on the project “Mapping of Materials on UN Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security as Relevant to Sri Lanka”- Centre for Women’s Education and Research-2010/2011
- Researcher – Law Commission of Sri Lanka- 2009 Project: Analysis of the Status of Non-Marital Children from the point of the Best Interest of the Child (Supervisor – Dr. Deepika Udagama)
- Field Researcher- Dept. of Sociology, University of Colombo-2009 (Joint Research of Transparency International Sri Lanka and University of Colombo, under Dr. Chandani Liyanage, Department of Sociology)
- Field Researcher- Domestic Workers Rights for Women’s Education and Research Centre- 2006/2007, Women’s Education and Research Centre
- Research Assistant to Professor Ravindra Fernando, Senior Professor of Forensic Science Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo for the Research in the area of “Torture cases” (During the internship period at Centre for the Study of Human Rights): 2005/2006
- Researcher – Transparency International Sri Lanka 2009
- Research Projects:
– Integrity in Government Hospitals in Colombo District.(Joint Research with Dept. of Sociology, University of Colombo- Supervised by Dr. Chandani Liyanage)
– Citizen Report Card Survey in Badulla and Passara Local Authorities.
3. Professional Experience/Previous Employers
- Research Unit, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka: 2010- Sept.2011
- School of Law, Minnesota State University, United States of America: 2009-2010
- Research Unit, Transparency International Sri Lanka: 2007-2008
- Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka: 2006-2007
- Centre for the Study of Human Rights, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka: 2005-2006
- Entered to Bar as an Attorney-at Law: 2006