Eco – Legal Creativity – 22 Exhibition and Competition - General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University KDU 2

Eco – Legal Creativity – 22 Exhibition and Competition

The Environmental Assistance, Research and Training Hub (KDU – EARTH) of the Faculty of Law, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) organized an Art, Literary and Video Competition titled ‘Eco-Legal Creativity 2022’ on the 12th of October 2022. It was formally declared open by Brig. Wipula Chandrasiri, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence and Administration) of KDU. The students of the Faculty of Law were provided an opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity, in the form of written, visual and auditory media. Essays, poetry, art, and videos were displayed in the open areas of the Faculty premises, depicting the beauty of nature and harm caused by human activities. The competitions were judged by a distinguished panel of evaluators comprising of Col. Maithree Kandekumbura, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, Dr. Namali Sirisoma, Director, Career Guidance Unit, Prof. P.G. Ratnasiri of Faculty of Technology and Dr. Nayana Fernando, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine.

The Exhibition and Competition concluded with the Certificate Award Ceremony, graced by the Chief Guest, Major General Lal Gunasekera, Rector, Metropolitan Campus, KDU. The Ceremony included a short drama, in which the students of Intake 39 performed an entertaining and meaningful skit on humans contributing to environmental degradation. Awards were given out to the winners of the Art, Literary and Video competitions with each segment having three placements. Tokens of Appreciation were also given to the evaluators who graciously helped to make the event a success.

The event underscored the myriad of hidden talents of the young law undergraduates at the Faculty, as well as their passion and concern for the preservation of the environment. The participants of the competition as well as volunteers from all Intakes contributed to the décor and organization of the event, which truly reflected the objectives of KDU EARTH, namely, the fulfilment of a citizen’s duty to preserve the environment and conserve its riches. The event was a great success due to the contribution made by the academic and non-academic staff of the Faculty of Law, KDU as well as the undergraduates.