A panel of experts from the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of the UGC visited the Faculty of Law on 05th and 09th of May 2014 for the purpose of reviewing its LLB Degree Programme. The Panel consisted of following members:

  • Prof Uditha Jayasinghe (Chairman of the Panel)

Professor and Director, Staff Development Center

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

  • Prof Rohana Mahaliyanarachchi

Former Vice-Chancellor and Senior Professor

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

  • Mrs Wasantha Seneviratna

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law

University of Colombo

  • Dr DM Karunaratna

Director, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Sri Lanka Law College

The Panel submitted the Final Report on 25th of June 2014 and the LLB Degree Programme of KDU has been given an overall grade of ‘Excellent’:

The LLB Degree Programme was evaluated under the following components:

            a. Curriculum and design content and review

            b. Teaching and learning

            c. Assessment methods

            d. Quality of Students, including student progress and achievement

            e. Generic skills development

            f.  Academic guidance and counselling

            g. The extent of student feedback

            h. Peer observation

            i.  Postgraduate studies

Six components out of the nine were graded “Excellent” the other three were graded as “Good”.

The Final Report can be accessed – Click Here